May 2023 Newsletter/Gathering Information

May 2023 NKY Emmaus Community NewsletterBEFORE“Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.”Isaiah 43:1Every follower of Jesus has a not-so-great “before”: A rash, brash fisherman. A pious, fancy-pants religious leader. A thieving, indifferent-to-suffering tax collector. A demon-possessed woman so insignificant that her “before” isn’t even recorded and we’re left to surmise what it might’ve been.And yet God calls people in the “before”—when they aren’t even aware they’re simply broken versions of themselves. God calls people before He begins His trans-formative work of redemption because He sees past the “before” to what He purposed and planned. He sees past the “before” to those He loves enough to call His own.Take Israel, for example. Isaiah prophesied over god’s chosen nation—Fear not, for I have redeemed you” (Isaiah 43:1)—not during a time of obedience but during their rebellion. A time filled with idol worship and wandering hearts and intense callousness to sin, not to mention all the painful consequences they were experiencing as a result of their choices. It was spoken long before their repentance.“I have called you by name, you are mine,” he continues in verse 1. When Isaiah spoke those words, Israel was rebelling against all God had done for them and all He wanted to do. But God didn’t turn away—He showed mercy. He spoke his love over His chosen people, claiming them as His own before they agreed to be. He entered into the “before.”God speaks what is true over us too; His plan of redemption is on the march, because He has called us by name. Our choices don’t derail His. What we see when we look in the mirror doesn’t determine what He sees or who we’ll be by His hand, and so our brokenness doesn’t alter His plan. Nor do circumstances, other people, or our own choices determine our value; our value is assigned by the one we belong to. Fear not, you’re not who you’re going to be. Fear not, God can redeem your choices and use them for good. Fear not, God can heal your heart, your body, your relationships. Fear not, you were made for more than what you’ve experienced so far. Fear not, this is only the beginning.Every follower of Jesus has a not-so-great “before.” But every follower of Jesus has an “after.” The rowdy fisherman became the bedrock preacher of the early church, healer of the sick and lame, and fearless unto death. The leader of impersonal religion became personal friends with Jesus, finally understanding and being changed by the Scriptures he’d devoted his life to studying. The taxman traitor became a member of the elite twelve and author of the first Gospel of the New Testament. And the woman? The woman too insignificant to even have her “before” recorded was so precious to Jesus that she became the first person He appeared to after He rose from the dead, the first one to hear His tender voice, and the first witness of the culmination of all He claimed to be and do—and she got to tell the boys.PRAYER FOCUS Thank the Father for knowing your name and calling it—and for identifying you as His. Thank Him for redeeming you from your “before,” then ask Him to help you through any remaining challenges.(From The Chosen 40 Days with JESUS)Your brother in Christ,Greg Beagle Northern Kentucky Emmaus Community Lay Director De Colores! 

** Welcome again to our newest community members from MW#49!The May Gathering will be on 5/11/23 at Immanuel Boone campus (1440 Boone Aire Road Florence,Ky) with fellowship starting at 6:30 and the gathering starting at 7 pm. Our 4th day speaker is Ana Centeno from WW#48. 

Please pray for Sara Berry as she begins making phone calls to put together the team for Woman’s Walk #49 October 19-22 at Higher Ground Retreat Center Save the Date Candle light service October 21, 2023 @8pm Pray for the pilgrims for WW#49 pray for open hearts and open minds, pray for those church leaders who haven’t been on a walk yet, and pray for those who have said no several times.

Reunion group/April 20203 Gathering Information

PILGRIM FOLLOW-UP REUNION GROUP/April 2023 Monthly Gathering: Your 72 hour walk is over, and your 4th Day service is ready to begin. On Thursday, April 13 at 5:30 pm you are invited and encouraged to attend a follow-up meeting with your sponsor, the Emmaus Board of Directors, and team members from your walk.

You will learn more about the Northern Kentucky Emmaus Community and ways that you can get involved. Dinner will be provided at 6:15 pm for Men’s walk 49 and the Emmaus community. Then the monthly gathering immediately following at 7:00 pm. Immanuel United Methodist Church 2551 Dixie Highway Lakeside Park, KY 41017.

Guess Speaker Bryan Meade, Lay Director from Men’s walk 49, table of Servants. His original work was Men’s walk number 14 table of Matthew!!

The Gathering will be facebook live if you can not attend in person, God bless you all!!

April 2023 Newsletter

PILGRIM FOLLOW-UP REUNION GROUP/April 2023 Monthly Gathering: Your 72 hour walk is over, and your 4th Day service is ready to begin. On Thursday, April 13 at 5:30 pm you are invited and encouraged to attend a follow-up meeting with your sponsor, the Emmaus Board of Directors, and team members from your walk.

You will learn more about the Northern Kentucky Emmaus Community and ways that you can get involved. Dinner will be provided at 6:15 pm with the monthly gathering immediately following at 7:00 pm. Immanuel United Methodist Church 2551 Dixie Highway Lakeside Park, KY 41017.
Guess Speaker Bryan Meade, Lay Director from Men’s walk 49, table of Servants. His original work was Men’s walk number 14 table of Matthew!!
The Gathering will be facebook live if you can not attend in person, God bless you all!!

Information on Northern Kentucky Men’s Walk 49

Great News Emmaus Community, there are 23 pilgrims ready to go on Men’s Walk #49, please get your pilgrim to Higher Ground between 6:00 pm thru 6:30 pm on March 30th. Just a reminder please DONT bring any 1 or 2 liter drinks only single serve cans, 12oz bottles, and bottle water (the snack area doesn’t have a refrigerator) we will have Ice Chest Coolers for the weekend.

Mark your calendar for our first Candle Light Service at Higher Ground Retreat Center this coming Saturday April 1 at the Graves Family Life Center at Higher Ground, fellowship begins from 8:00 pm thru 8:30 pm and the candle light service will start at 8:30 pm.

4/2 Closing service please arrive by 4:15 pm (more details will be given at sponsors hour)

Don’t forget to sign up for the prayer chart, there are 55 slots that need to be filled!!

DIRECTIONS: 3820 Logan Creek Ln West Harrison, In 47060

From Cincinnati [east]:

Take I-275 west to I-74 to Indiana. After crossing into Indiana continue on I-74 to the Brookville Exit (Exit 169). Go left (north) on route 52 to the first street, Highway 46, turn left (west) and follow Route 46, 1 1/2 mile to the Higher Ground Conference and Retreat Center sign. Turn right at the drive [approximately 30 miles from the airport.

Your brother in Christ,

Greg Beagle

Northern Kentucky Emmaus Community Lay Director

Pilgrims/Team Northern Kentucky Men’s Walk Number 49

Good evening Northern Kentucky Emmaus Community Members: here is the list of pilgrims of Men’s walk number 49 on March 30 thru April 2nd. Thomas Appleman, Gene Archbold, Quentin Bartel, James D Bryant, Sean Emmett, Ted Gaeddert IV, Danny Goldberg, Frank Hadden, David Hanies, Tim Hutchinson, Chris Jeannet, Bret Krebeck, John D. Marcum, Russ Marshall, Joe, McQueeney, Phil Mosley, Wesley Phillips, David, Puckett, W. Jamie Ruehl, Bob Snow, Tyler Sparks, Anthony Thompson, Connor Woodie.

Team members: Geoff Egbers, Christopher Cate , Darin Mirante, David Harting, Kelly McClendon, Brandon Blythe, Adam Dunn, Bryan Meade, Brenton Bevins, Ted Gaeddert, Timothy Hale, John Parker, Gary Stanforth, Scott Warner, Brian Schefold, Gregory Fleckinger, Tom Cracchiolo, Lance Payne, Keith Underwood, Philip E Kohlman, David Leach, Pete Shockey, Kenneth Stanbary, Glenn McIntyre, Frankie Satterfield, Brian Myers, David Gray, Andy Garitson, Jeff Taylor, Brandon Jackson, Mark StambaughMark Burns, Greg Phelps

March 2023 Newsletter

March 2023

NKY Emmaus Community Newsletter

Blessings all, February is behind us and just like that we are two months into 2023. Time seems to be passing so quickly, the men’s team has finished their training and are ready for March 30th. We are only 28 days away from Men’s walk #49 and the application deadline is March 16th with full payment due ($180.00) I am so excited to see what God has in store for us as a community.

“God is working”, do you believe it? I was recently challenged with this thought. My initial answer was yeah; but this one simple truth has just continued to minister to me. I have just marveled at the complexity of it. Do we as followers of Christ really believe that God is working? Do we trust that the creator of the universe is GOD of the universe and He is in control? Do we really believe that he “works all things together for the good of those that believe Him and are called to His purpose? Do we acknowledge how big and good He is, and rest and trust that He alone is God and that HE is working and that he loves us? My job, our job, is to “take His yoke upon us and rest”. Cast all your concerns upon Him and trust that He is working. Please continue to be in prayer over our Community as we move forward with holding Walks, and specifically be in prayer for the upcoming walks of 2023. Get excited for the work that God is doing.

Your brother in Christ,

Greg Beagle

Northern Kentucky Emmaus

Community Lay Director


The March gathering will be at Immanuel Boone Campus on Thursday March 9th, we will be praying over the men’s team. Fellowship at 6:30 & the gathering at 7pm. Guest Speaker is Johnny Sebastian from men’s walk number 39.  Also facebook live will be available at 7:00 p.m.  We will be praying over the men’s walk number 49 team!!

** Last month we closed our Simple Give account because of our Monthly Fees and our Transaction Fees are too high.



The Spring Walk Men’s walk is getting close and your help holds a vital part in the role of Agape Giving is the nature of God’s love. Agape received during a Pilgrim’s Walk to Emmaus experience has a ripple effect. As pilgrims reflect on being showered with nonstop agape in all its forms, many recognize the love of Christ in ways they have never imagined before. The hope is that they will return to their church and communities ready to share God’s unconditional love with others. Thank you for making tangible signs of Agape through small gifts to be given to the Pilgrims throughout the weekend. Please bring them to the March Gathering or email Jennifer Meyers at to make arrangements to drop them off. Jennifer will be hosting a agape party on March 11th from 1-5 please email Jennifer for details and directions.

Jennifer Meyers

Agape Chairperson



What better time to reflect and think about friends and family members who would benefit from going on a Walk to EMMAUS. The Walk to Emmaus is a spiritual renewal program intended to strengthen the local church through the development of Christian disciples and leaders. It is not for everyone. It is not for the first time Christians. You may ask who will benefit from this walk. Quite simply

it is your friends, your neighbors, fellow church members and the clergy. It is for Christians of every denomination. Please be in prayerful consideration of what this walk meant to you and what it will mean to someone else in our community of faith. When you are ready to sponsor your pilgrim. Remember to pray with them. Work with them to fill out the pilgrim application which requires 3 signatures; theirs, their pastor and the sponsor. The cost of the walk is $180.00 must be sent in with the application. All pilgrim applications should be sent to: Northern Kentucky Emmaus Attn: Registrar P.O. Box 17695 Lakeside Park, KY 41017. There’s still plenty of time to submit applications for the Spring Men’s Walk our deadline for applications is March 16th. The walks will be held at Higher Ground Conference and Retreat Center in West Harrison, Indiana 3820 Logan Creek Ln. Please check out their web site at ( The Men’s Walk will be March 30- April 2 and the Women’s Walk October 19-22. Please include the $180.00 with the application. If the cost is a problem scholarships are available. Should you have any questions regarding your sponsorship duties, I would be glad to help you. Please email me at

De Colores,

Vern McKinley


The prayer is up and running on our website, go under, then hit pryaer to sign up for time slots.

** We are happy to announce that our lay director for women’s walk #49 is Sara Berry, please keep Sara in your prayers as she begins putting the women’s team together.


Please be in pray for stepping up and filling one of these open board positions: Assistant Community Lay Director, and Fourth Day Chair.


We would love to hear your 4th day message and how God is moving in your life. We need speakers for upcoming gatherings, please contact a board member. Thank you, Greg Beagle


They asked each other,”Were not our hearts burning within us” Luke 24:32

Do you remember the components of your walk?

1.Faith is explained 2 Grace is explained 3. Christian community is realized 4. The Body of Christ is renewed

When was the last time you gave another the blessing of this experience?

The Men’s Walk Team is preparing to serve your pilgrim.

Also, mark your calendars for 3/30-4/2. Candlelight will be Saturday, April 1st.

Christ is counting on you,

Bryan Meade

Lay Director #49


People! People! People!

This is not the time to be shy tell your pastor that you need 1 minute to let your congregation know about the upcoming NKY Emmaus Men’s Walk to Emmaus March 30 – April 2. Please share with your church how this walk changed your life!

God is counting on you.


Remember to stand firm in your convictions Exodus 14:13-14 Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will

see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still”.

February Newsletter

February 2023

NKY Emmaus Community Newsletter

Do you want to get well?

John 5:1-9. Afterwards Jesus returned to Jerusalem for one of the Jewish holy days. Inside the city, near the

Sheep Gate was the pool of Bethesda, with five covered porches. Crowds of sick people – blind, lame, or

paralyzed—lay on the porches. One of the men lying there had been sick for 38 years. When Jesus saw him and

knew he had been ill for a long time, he asked him,

Would you like to get well?

I can’t sir, the sick man said, for I have no one to put me in the pool when the water bubbles up. Someone always

gets there ahead of me.

Jesus told him “Stand up, pick up your mat, and walk!”

Instantly the man was healed!

For 38 years, this man’s problem had become a way of life. No one has ever helped him. He had no hope of ever

being healed. The man’s situation looked hopeless.

I heard someone say when you’re invited to a Walk to Emmaus it’s like Jesus saying to you – Here is my gift

to you won’t you accept it?

On Sunday afternoon we get to hear the pilgrims share what the Walk has done for them and what they’re going

to do about it.

Before they came to the Walk they may have thought their situation was hopeless, and they were never going to

be healed.

In 3 days Jesus wrapped his arms around them with the help of the Emmaus Community. They come to realize

that God may have special work for them to do in spite of their condition, or even because of it. Many Pilgrims

have ministered effectively to hurting people because they have triumphed over their own hurts.

Jesus asked the man who had been unable to stand or walk for 38 years if he wanted to be well. Jesus was really

asking him if he was ready to participate, to cooperate, to engage his faith in the process.

Everything Jesus offers us is something we have to choose to receive, to reach out and take. Whether that’s

forgiving others who have hurt us, letting go of anger, or bitterness, there is always a part for us to play to receive


If it was not for someone inviting us to attend a walk to Emmaus, we could still be laying on the porch beside

the pool with every excuse in the world not to be healed.

I am so grateful to my sponsor for inviting me to participate in a Walk to Emmaus, March 2014.

My walk experience has changed my life and my family and I bet it has changed yours also.

Your brother in Christ,

Greg Beagle

Northern Kentucky Emmaus

Community Lay Director

De Colores!

The February gathering will be at Immanuel Boone Campus on Thursday February 9th. Fellowship at 6:30 p.m. & the gathering at 7:00 p.m., also will be broadcasting Facebook live if you can’t attend. 4th day guest speaker is Maurice Pugh.

** Starting this month we are closing our Simple Give account because of our Monthly Fees and our Transaction Fees are to high.

Message from Men’s Walk Number 49
They asked each other,”Were not our hearts burning within us” Luke 24:32

Do you remember the components of your walk?

1.Faith is explained 2.Grace is explained 3.Christian community is realized 4.The Body of Christ is renewed

When was the last time you gave another the blessing of this experience?

The Men’s Walk Team is preparing to serve your pilgrim.

Also, mark your calendars for 3/30-4/2. Candlelight will be Saturday, April 1st.

Christ is counting on you,

Bryan Meade

Lay Director #49


The Spring Walk Men’s walk is getting close and your help holds a vital part in the role of Agape Giving is the nature of God’s love. Agape received during a Pilgrim’s Walk to Emmaus experience has a ripple effect. As pilgrims reflect on being showered with nonstop agape in all its forms, many recognize the love of Christ in ways they have never imagined before. The hope is that they will return to their church and communities ready to share God’s unconditional love with others. Thank you for making tangible signs of Agape through small gifts to be given to the Pilgrims throughout the weekend. Please bring them to the February, and March Gatherings or email Jennifer Meyers at to make arrangements to drop them off.

Jennifer Meyers



I know we are all still basking in the Holiday Magic of the Birth of Jesus. What better time to reflect and think about friends and family members who would benefit from going on a Walk to EMMAUS. The Walk to Emmaus is a spiritual renewal program intended to strengthen the local church through the development of Christian disciples and leaders. It is not for everyone. It is not for the first time Christians. You may ask who will benefit from this walk. Quite simply it is your friends, your neighbors, fellow church members and the clergy. It is for Christians of every denomination. Please be in prayerful consideration of what this walk meant to you and what it will mean to someone else in our community of faith. When you are ready to sponsor your pilgrim. Remember to pray with them. Work with them to fill out the pilgrim application which requires 3 signatures; theirs, their pastor and the sponsor. The cost of the walk is $180.00 A $50 dollar deposit must be sent in with the application. All pilgrim applications should be sent to: Northern Kentucky Emmaus Attn: Registrar P.O. Box 17695 Lakeside Park, KY 41017. There’s still plenty of time to submit applications for the Spring Men’s Walk our deadline for applications is March 15th. The walks will be held at Higher Ground Conference and Retreat Center in West Harrison, Indiana3820 Logan Creek Ln. Please check out their web site at ( The Men’s Walk will be March 30- April 2 and the Women’s Walk October 19-22. Please include the deposit fee with the application. If the cost is a problem scholarships are available. Should you have any questions regarding your sponsorship duties, I would be glad to help you. Please email me at

De Colores,

Vern McKinley


**From the Northern Kentucky Emmaus treasurer Thanks to the generosity of the NKY community, personal checks, and offering at monthly gatherings. Every dollar received goes back into the community to continue to spread the life changing experiences that an Emmaus weekend can deliver. Donated funds can also be used for pilgrim and team member scholarships, updating equipment, and the general fund of our community. Thank you, for your continued support of our Emmaus community.

Treasurer, Sherry Taylor

** The prayer chart is up and running under the our website, then find prayer, then follow the steps thru. Prayer Chris Hensley

** Communication Chair
If your information has change such as home address, email address,phone number, from your original walk please send email to put in subject line NKY EMMAUS, or text message at 859-743-4526.

Mark Burns
NKY Emmaus Communication chair

** Remember to stand firm in your convictions Exodus 14:13-14 Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

** It recently occurred to me how important it is for us to be thankful for what God has given us and for the privilege of serving Him. This led me to consider the men that Jesus appeared to on the road to Emmaus. Here they were, on the way home from a huge event in Jerusalem, and ran into a stranger (Jesus) who asked them why they were so confused and upset. We only know one of their names, and I think this is because God wants us to recognize that we, in our own lives today, are just like these guys; con-fused, upset and anxious about our families and the future of our nation. The other man is us! Cleopas reports the happenings in Jerusalem. “They have crucified a true prophet of God, and now His grave is empty.” Then Jesus replies with great words for them and us. “How foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Did not the Christ have to suffer these things and then enter His glory?” This raises the question of why don’t we believe and trust all that the prophets have told us. Why do we hesitate to fully commit our lives to Him as He asks? Why do we make excuses for our faith, our beliefs and our principles? Why are we not more involved? The Bible says, “Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized Him, and He disappeared from their sight.” So I ask you today, “Are your eyes open?” I pray your eyes see as He sees, and you respond as He would respond! Get involved! Be a disciple! Be a leader! Be a sponsor!

Please be in pray for stepping up and filling one of these open board positions: Assistant Community Lay Director, and Fourth Day Chair.

We would love to hear your 4th day message and how God is moving in your life. We need speakers for upcoming gatherings, please contact a board member. Thank you, Greg Beagle

All reactions:

January 2023 Newletter

 January 2023 NKY Emmaus Community Newsletter
The January gathering will be at Immanuel Boone Campus located 1440 Boone Aire Road Florence, KY.  41042. On Thursday January 12th. Fellowship at 6:30 p.m. / the gathering at 7:00 p.m. 

Hope for the New Year…  As we ring in the New Year, we tend to reflect on the events of the year past. Many of us have experienced exquisite blessings of love and marriage, new family additions, new careers and locations… Many of us have, also, endured tremendous struggles that we seriously thought we could not bear – sickness, the passing of loved ones, financial hardships, devastating disasters, and the hollow loneliness that comes with it all.  As we anticipate the New Year with both anxiousness and excitement as we set new goals and make future plans, I find it so very comforting to remember this: We have a Father. We have a Comforter. We have a Savior. We have hope. We have God’s love and promises to carry us through this life and He – Our Father – has promised us that He will never leave us or forsake us. What a wonderful promise! Through thick and thin, joy and sorrow, God is there with us. There is nothing that happens to us that doesn’t first pass by Him. Every moment of bliss or struggle, our Heavenly Father shares with us.  Reflect on the year past and be thankful for His presence in gladness and in sorrow. Look forward to the year that lies before us, knowing that we are not left alone and comfortless. Know that our joys are His joys. He loves us with an un-conditional love that cannot be quenched. His Grace will be more than sufficient. Rejoice! We have a Savior! Your brother in Christ, Greg Beagle Northern Kentucky Emmaus Community Lay Director De Colores! 

Announcement from Men’s Walk # 49 Lay Director They asked each other,”Were not our hearts burning within us” Luke 24:32 Do you remember the components of your walk? 1.Faith is explained 2.Grace is explained 3. Christian community is realized 4. The Body of Christ is renewed When was the last time you gave another the blessing of this experience? The Men’s Walk Team is preparing to serve your pilgrim. Also, mark your calendars for 3/30-4/2. Candlelight will be Saturday, April 1st. Christ is counting on you, Bryan Meade Lay Director #49 

Announcements messages from board members AGAPE The Spring Walk Men’s walk is getting close and your help holds a vital part in the role of Agape Giving is the nature of God’s love. Agape received during a Pilgrim’s Walk to Emmaus experience has a ripple effect. As pilgrims reflect on being showered with nonstop agape in all its forms, many recognize the love of Christ in ways they have never imagined before. The hope is that they will return to their church and communities ready to share God’s unconditional love with others. Thank you for making tangible signs of Agape through small gifts to be given to the Pilgrims throughout the weekend. Please bring them to the January, February, and March Gatherings or email Jennifer Meyers at to make arrangements to drop them off.

Jennifer Meyers
Agape Chairperson

SPONSORSHIPI know we are all still basking in the Holiday Magic of the Birth of Jesus. What better time to reflect and think about friends and family members who would benefit from going on a Walk to EMMAUS. The Walk to Emmaus is a spiritual renewal program intended to strengthen the local church through the development of Christian disciples and leaders. It is not for everyone. It is not for the first time Christians. You may ask who will benefit from this walk. Quite simply it is your friends, your neighbors, fellow church members and the clergy. It is for Christians of every denomination. Please be in prayerful consideration of what this walk meant to you and what it will mean to someone else in our community of faith. When you are ready to sponsor your pilgrim. Remember to pray with them. Work with them to fill out the pilgrim application which requires 3 signatures; theirs, their pastor and the sponsor. The cost of the walk is $180.00 A $50 dollar deposit must be sent in with the application. All pilgrim applications should be sent to: Northern Kentucky Emmaus Attn: Registrar P.O. Box 17695 Lakeside Park, KY 41017. There’s still plenty of time to submit applications for the Spring Men’s Walk our deadline for applications is March 15th. The walks will be held at Higher Ground Conference and Retreat Center in West Harrison, Indiana 3820 Logan Creek Ln. Please check out their web site at ( The Men’s Walk will be March 30- April 2 and the Women’s Walk October 19-22. Please include the deposit fee with the application. If the cost is a problem scholarships are available . Should you have any questions regarding your sponsorship duties, I would be glad to help you. Please email me at De Colores,Vern McKinley

From the Northern Kentucky Emmaus treasurer Thanks to the generosity of the NKY community, personal checks, and offering at monthly gatherings. Every dollar received goes back into the community to continue to spread the life changing experiences that an Emmaus weekend can deliver. Donated funds can also be used for pilgrim and team member scholarships, updating equipment, and the general fund of our community. Thank you, for your continued support of our Emmaus community.

Treasurer, Sherry Taylor

Communication If you phone numbers, email, home address have change since your previous walk,please send updated information to “subject line NKY Emmaus”.  If you are not getting text message reminders,please text to 859-743-4526 with your full name , walk number, table name.

Mark Burns
Communications chair

PrayerThe prayer chart is up and running on the website for the men’s walk # 49, go to our website under then hit prayer, then signup.  There will be hard copies at January thru March gatherings too if you attend.

Chris Hensley

Message/devotional ** Remember to stand firm in your convictions Exodus 14:13-14 Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.”It recently occurred to me how important it is for us to be thankful for what God has given us and for the privilege of serving Him. This led me to consider the men that Jesus appeared to on the road to Emmaus. Here they were, on the way home from a huge event in Jerusalem, and ran into a stranger (Jesus) who asked them why they were so confused and upset. We only know one of their names, and I think this is because God wants us to recognize that we, in our own lives today, are just like these guys; con-fused, upset and anxious about our families and the future of our nation. The other man is us! Cleopas reports the happenings in Jerusalem. “They have crucified a true prophet of God, and now His grave is empty.” Then Jesus replies with great words for them and us. “How foolish you are, and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Did not the Christ have to suffer these things and then enter His glory?” This raises the question of why don’t we believe and trust all that the prophets have told us. Why do we hesitate to fully commit our lives to Him as He asks? Why do we make excuses for our faith, our beliefs and our principles? Why are we not more involved? The Bible says, “Then their eyes were opened, and they recognized Him, and He disappeared from their sight.” So I ask you today, “Are your eyes open?” I pray your eyes see as He sees, and you respond as He would respond! Get involved! Be a disciple! Be a leader! Be a sponsor!
Please be in pray for stepping up and filling one of these open board positions: Assistant Community Lay Director, Team Selection Chair, and Fourth Day Chair. We would love to here your 4th day message and how God is moving in your life. We need speakers for upcoming gatherings, please contact a board member. Thank you, Greg Beagle

October 2022 Newsletter

G:\Emmaus Flash Drive\Emmaus Logo.jpg

October 2022                   

 NKY Emmaus Community Newsletter 

Fall is here!! Wow, time is flying by. The great thing about October is that we have a Women’s Walk after 3 years where we will get to see our Father change lives, set captives free, save the lost, guide the seeking, and show all how great His love is. I hope you will come be a part of this awesome weekend. There are many ways you can be involved. You will find those ways here in this newsletter. Come and see what God is going to do!! 

Greg Beagle 

Northern Kentucky Emmaus 

Community Lay Director 

De Colores! 

Women’s Walk #48 is October 20-23 2022 and the application deadline is October 6 th.  Only 5 days so please mail those applications in or contact a board member. 

The pilgrim count is 7. Please don’t wait until the last day to invite your pilgrim you want to make sure they can arrange to schedule that weekend off. 

You, the sponsor, are the utmost importance to GOD, your pilgrim, the team, and the Emmaus community. Committing to be a sponsor is so much more than “signing people up.” It is the first act of GOD’s unconditional love (AGAPE) to the pilgrim and it starts even before their Walk begins. Good sponsorship is the mortar GOD uses as He sets His building blocks of love, relationships, service, discipleship, perseverance, and grace in a pilgrim’s life. Jesus is the Foundation, GOD is the builder, and it is through you, the sponsor, and the Team that GOD’s love builds a pilgrim’s life to servanthood of Him. A Pilgrim is Royalty A pilgrim is treated like Royalty and this treatment should start, by you, the sponsor even before the Walk begins.  

Welcome to our newest board member: Jennifer Meyers- Agape Chairperson. 

Agape is an important part of every walk get a group together or by yourself we need 60-70 pieces per item. 

The pray chat still needs to be filled so please go to the web site then click prayer, then women’s walk, then select your days and time. 

We will need your help for the women’s Saturday night meal, community members will be needed to help prep and cook this special meal. More details will be coming after October 6th. 

We still have a few open board positions: Music Chair (someone to organize musical talent for gatherings), Assistant Community Lay Director, Team Selection Chair, Outreach Chair, and Fourth Day Chair. 

We are also looking for 4th day speakers for upcoming gatherings if Holy Spirit is leading you to share your Fourth day message please let us know. 

The women’s team have two team training sessions left to do so please be in pray for LD Deb Gary and the women’s team.  

The October gathering will be at Immanuel Lakeside on the 13th with fellowship at 6:30pm and the gathering at 7pm, we will be praying for the women’s team at this gathering. So please come and join us. 

March 2022 Newsletter

NKY Emmaus March 2022 Newsletter 
  We have our next Gathering 3/10/22 at Immanuel Boone Campus 7pm. Attending this gathering would be wonderful showing of your commitment to the NKY Emmaus community. Let’s not keep the light of Jesus under the basket any longer. Let’s come together as the NKY Emmaus Community and shine Light of Jesus so others can experience the love of Christ Jesus!  Calling all Men who have been on the walk to Emmaus we need your help, John still needs two more live- in support team members plus several non live-in support help, we still need 2 TL and 2 ATL, Bob Meyers is leading the music team he still needs 2 more team members, and we still need a ALD. Men we can do this please contact John Poe at Agape is a important part of every walk get a group together or by yourself we need 60 pieces per item. Please be in pray for the team during the month of March as they learn their roles. The walk is a unique experience, carefully planned to provide for the support and growth of the pilgrim thru the silent servant hood of the team involved. If you haven’t talked with your pastor yet about who in your church is ready for this men’s walk call them and if they haven’t been on a Emmaus walk yet invite them.

Blessings all, February is behind us and just like that we are two months into 2022. Time seems to be passing so quickly, after two long years postponing Men’s Walk #48 John Poe and the team have started training for the walk. We are only 51 days away from Men’s walk #48 and the application deadline is April 7th. I am so excited to see what God has in store for us as a community.  “God is working”, do you believe it? I was recently challenged with this thought. My initial answer was yeah; but this one simple truth has just continued to minister to me. I have just marveled at the complexity of it. Do we as followers of Christ really believe that God is working? Do we trust that the creator of the universe is GOD of the universe and He is in control? Do we really believe that he “works all things together for the good of those that believe Him and are called to His purpose? Do we acknowledge how big and good He is, and rest and trust that He alone is God and that HE is working and that he loves us? My job, our job, is to “take His yoke upon us and rest”. Cast all your concerns upon Him and trust that He is working. Please continue to be in prayer over our Community as we move forward with holding Walks, and specifically be in prayer for the upcoming walks of 2022. Get excited for the work that God is doing. Your brother in Christ, Greg Beagle Northern Kentucky Emmaus Community Lay Director 
Spiritual Director corner We will need the Emmaus community to come together to support this Men’s walk by sponsoring pilgrims we need to be talking with our pastors and discuss who is ready. We cannot hold a walk without the pilgrims. We need to completely fill this Men’s walk with pilgrims as it has been over two years since the last walk. There are so many new opportunities to ask a fellow church member to come and experience the Love and Joy that Jesus has to offer. Remember your own joy and love you experienced on your Emmaus walk. This is the time to pass it on to your fellow Christian brother!  De Colores, Geoff Egbers  Chrysalis corner Charlene Burlew is leading the NKY Chrysalis restart. They are currently looking for anyone (adult or teen) who might be qualified and interested in working with Chrysalis. If you have attended the Walk to Emmaus or a Chrysalis Flight (ages 15-18) you are qualified to serve. If interested, contact: Charlene at Sponsorship Corner  As Spring is upon us, we need to really start praying about our upcoming walks! We need to ask God whom do you want me to sponsor on these walks? If you do not want me to sponsor someone, then what can I do to help? If you pray, God will answer! We all have been the recipients of God’s answered prayers! If God is leading you to sponsor and you feel money is as problem (the cost this year is $140.00), please remember we have a scholarship fund for anyone who needs financial help. So do not let money deter you from passing this gift on to someone else! Pray, Pray, and Pray some more! Please prayerfully considering sponsoring someone on these walks and remember this community stands behind you and will help you however they can. All you have to do is ask. If you do sponsor,(sponsorship forms can be found by going to and clicking the sponsorship page) prepare yourself for the many blessings that will come to you as a result of answering God’s call! The blessings are Awesome! Remember Pray, Pray, Pray, and Pray some more! Is God calling you?  De Colores! Vern McKinley 

Prayer Corner /Communication Corner
The prayer is chart is up and running, please go under the website , then go under menu then hit prayer to sign up.

If you like still receive text message reminders such gatherings and walk information, please send me a text with name, phone number and walk number to be added to list.

Mark Burns
Prayer/Communication Chairperson 