June 2024

NKY Emmaus Community Newsletter

Our June 13th gathering will be at Immanuel Lakeside Church,plus A ICE CREAM SOCIAL EVENT with fellowship starting at 6:15 pm and the gathering at 7:00 pm. Our fourth day speaker will be Victoria Warren WW#49.

Walk Information

We are happy to announce that Beth Dingus will be the Walk Lay Director for WW #50, October 10-13 2024. Please be praying for Beth and the team and be praying for your pilgrim.

Folks inflation has caught up with us, the board has exhausted all attempts to keep our walk cost as low as possible, and unfortunately there will be a price increase.

So starting May 1st through August 1st we will continue use our current pilgrim and team member fee of $195.00, but after August 1st we need to increase the pilgrim fee to $250.00 per person and $200.00 team fee to cover our cost for the weekend. We will have more information available at the gatherings.

I would encourage anyone that knows they have a pilgrim for WW#50 send your money in by August 1st.

Please keep the Biltz family in your prayers with the passing of Tom Biltz he was on MW# 6 and also keep the Gault family in your prayers with the passing of Joe Gault MW#9.

Continue to pray for a shield of protection for our 14 newest community members.

Please make plans to attend our July picnic gathering on 7/11/24 at Devou Park the Volpenhein Pavilion (please use google maps). We will be celebrating our 29th community anniversary!

It is with mixed feelings that the June Gathering will be my last as a member of the Northern Kentucky Emmaus Board. It has been my pleasure to serve as your Community Lay Director. We have seen a lot of changes these last few years. The biggest is the interruption caused by COVID-19, because of Covid we had to cancel and postpone walks and do gatherings on Zoom. I also want to Thank all of my fellow board members for their time and dedication. I ask and pray that the community will come together again and make this the strong community it once was. Please consider serving the Norther Kentucky Emmaus community in any way you can. Come to Gatherings, work behind the scenes at Walks, serve on teams when asked, serve on the board, sponsor a pilgrim on the next Walk. And as always, pray for your community. Thank you for the opportunity to serve.

Your brother in Christ,

Greg Beagle

Northern Kentucky Emmaus

Community Lay Director

De Colores!

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May 2024 Newsletter

May 2024
NKY Emmaus Community Newsletter
      Our May 9th gathering will be at Immanuel Lakeside Church, with fellowship starting at 6:30 pm and the gathering at 7:00 pm. Our fourth day speaker will be Ann Posey. Facebook live will available.
We are happy to announce that Beth Dingus will be the Walk Lay Director for WW #50, October 10-13 2024. Please be praying for Beth and the team and be praying for your pilgrim.
Folks inflation has caught up with us, the board has exhausted all attempts to keep our walk cost as low as possible, and unfortunately there will be a price increase.

So starting May 1st through August 1st we will continue use our current pilgrim and team member fee of $195.00, but after August 1st we need to increase the pilgrim fee to $250.00 per person and $200.00 team fee to cover our cost for the weekend. We will have more information available at the gatherings.
 I would encourage anyone that knows they have a pilgrim for WW#50 send your money in by August 1st.
We have two board seats that need to be filled Treasurer and Music, please let Greg Beagle or Bryan Meade know if you are interested.
Please keep the Daniels family in your prayers with the passing of James Daniels he was on MW# 47.
Continue to pray for a shield of protection for our 14 newest community members.
Your brother in Christ,
Greg Beagle
Northern Kentucky Emmaus
Community Lay Director
De Colores

Mens walk # 50 Closing information

Men’s Walk #50

To all sponsors and Community members

Closing time please start arriving by 4pm and go to the Family Life Center (main doors) and wait in the reception area, we will wait their until it’s time to move. Remember Closing is for sponsors and community member and those that have been on a Chrysalis walk.

Your brother in Christ,

Greg Beagle

Northern Kentucky Emmaus

Community Lay Director

De Colores!

Candle Light Service

Please call, text, email, Tweet (X), Messenger, your walk table, fellow team members, church members that have been on a walk, and make plans to be at Candlelight!

 Saturday April 6th @ Higher Ground Retreat Center 3820 Logan Creek Ln. West Harrison, IN 47060, fellowship starts at 8:00 pm with the service starting at 8:30 pm at the Graves Family Life center. Just follow the Emmaus signs when you get there. The pilgrims are counting on you! Let show them what heaven will look like!

 Your brother in Christ,

Greg Beagle 

Northern Kentucky Emmaus

 Community Lay Director

De Colores

Men’s walk number 50 Pilgrims/Team Member List

 Northern Kentucky Men’s Walk # 50                                           Pilgrims/Team Member List

Pilgrims:  Jim Crouch, Levi Davis, Patrick Dixon, Nate Huneycutt, Darren Matlock, Shane Philipp, Sid Quincy, Todd, Ragland, Dan Thomas, Michael Turner, Russ, Ungerman, Justin Wallace, Doug Watson, Ernest Zornes

Team Members:  John Parker, Christopher Cates, Johnny Sebastian, Chris Muncy, Stephen Fincher, Darin Mirante, Pete Shockey, Scott Warner, Michael Hayden, Frank Hadden, John McLemore, Ian Taylor, Tom Cracchioli, Don Elkins, John Poe, Brian Myers, Rob Messmer, George Galliher, Dustin Teter, Travis Tryon, Ben Iden, Thomas Appleman, John Roper, Randy Compton, Bryan Meade, Adam Dunn, Ken Kramer, Gary Casey, Philip Kohlman, Danny Goldberg, Brent Boyer, Ted Gaeddart, JD Marcum, RB Davis, Clowns; Melinda Carpenter/
Robin Dalholt

April 2024 Newsletter/Mens walk # 50 information

April 2024

NKY Emmaus Community Newsletter


1 Corinthians 6:17 But he who is joined to the Lord becomes one spirit with him.

As we join ourselves to Jesus, we become one spirit with Him. This experience of being joined to Jesus is closely connected to the baptism of the Spirit. The word baptism is a Greek word meaning to immerse, submerge or overwhelm. An ancient Greek recipe for making pickles uses the word as it describes how a vegetable is first dipped in boiling water and then baptized in vinegar. As the vegetable soaks in the vinegar, it is permanently changed. Its taste and texture are so radically transformed that it becomes known by a new name: a pickle. In the same way, our baptism in the Holy Spirit so saturates us with the life of Christ that we become something radically different and entirely new. Through baptism, the love of God overwhelms our heart and we become a new creation with a new identity in Christ. It is important to understand that God alone is God and the unity that we have with the Spirit does not turn us into God. Even though a vegetable may be preserved in vinegar, it does not become vinegar, and so even though we are immersed in the Spirit, we cannot claim to be Jesus or the Holy Spirit or God. God alone is God. But neither can we think of ourselves in the old way. Because of our immersion in the Spirit, we need to accept the reality that we are an entirely new creation, a people who are becoming more and more one with Christ. A quick dip in vinegar is not enough to turn a vegetable into a pickle, and it is the same for the baptism of the Spirit. A one-off experience of the Holy Spirit or His gifts does not make for an immersion. The baptism of the Spirit is not a spiritual event but an ongoing relationship of love and unity. We can think of it like marriage. A marriage starts with a wedding, but its substance is found in the ongoing life of love. In the same way, our baptism in the Spirit is an immersion into a life of ever-growing unity with Jesus.

Luke 3:16 John answered them all, saying, “I baptize you with water, but he who is mightier than I is coming, the strap of whose sandals I am not worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.”

In Scripture, fire is a symbol of God’s love in its awesome refining and consuming power. Here we find

that Jesus came to baptize us with the Holy Spirit and fire. Not only does Jesus want to make us one spirit with Him, He wants to utterly consume our lives with His love. Our part is to surrender to His will and become like living sacrifices, waiting on the altar for God’s fire to fall. And Jesus will be faithful. He will come to immerse us in His Spirit and fire. Then we will know that our God is a consuming fire because He lives and burns within us. Faithful is He who calls us and loves us. If we are willing, He will do it.

Your brother in Christ,

Greg Beagle Men’s walk number 39

Northern Kentucky Emmaus

Community Lay Director

De Colores


We need your help we have several board seats that will need to be filled starting July 1st 2024

Treasurer, Prayer, and Music, please let any current board members know if you are interested.

Please keep the Wingate family in your, prays with the passing of Greg Wingate. Also keep the Berry family in your, prays with the passing of George Berry.

“Wesley Hall”

Join us in celebrating the life and stories of George Berry over coffee and Ice cream,

Saturday April 27, @ 2pm at

Immanuel Lakeside Church

2551 Dixie Highway Lakeside Park, Ky 41017

The April Gathering will be on 4/11/24 at Immanuel Lakeside campus, with fellowship at 5:45 pm and dinner at 6:15 pm and the gathering at 7:00 pm. We will be celebrating our newest community members from Men’s walk #50. Our 4th day speaker is John Parker, facebook live will be available to watch !!

Men’s walk number 50 information “YEAH IT”S A GO !!”

Thursday April 4, 2024:

Mens walk # 50 send off/sponsor hour/Please arrive at 6:00 pm with pilgrims at dorm number 1, there will signs out which will guide you to dorm 1., Sponsor hour will be after the pilgrims are discuss from community and their sponsors.

Saturday April 6, 2024:

Mens walk # 50 Candlelight Service/All Community members and sponsors needs arrive at Family Life Center at 8:00 pm “No Earlier”, there will signs to direct to the Family Life Center.

We Need you at Candlelight! Candlelight! Candlelight!

Higher Ground Conference and retreat center

3820 Logan Creek Ln.

West Harrison, IN 47060

Just follow the Emmaus signs when you get there. The pilgrims are counting on you! Let show them what heaven will look like! Load up your car or van with fellow community members.

Sunday April 7, 2024:
Mens walk # 50 Closing
!Service/All Community members need to arrive at Family Life Center at 4:15 pm, there will signs to direct you t Family Life Center

Prayer chart

These are times available that are still needs to be fill up before the walk. You can go under the website nkemmaus.com then click on prayer, then select mens walk number 50 to sign up. Plus you can contact Mark Burns at 859-743-4526 communication chair or Sara Berry at 859-322-6076 communication assistant chair.

Friday April 5, 2024: 1:30 am, 2:00 am, 2:30 am, 3:00 am, 3:30 am, 4:00 am, 1:30 pm, 2:00 pm, 3:30 pm, 4:00 pm, 5:00 pm, 6:00 pm, 6:30 pm, 7:00 pm, 11:30 pm.

Saturday April 6, 2024: 1:30 am, 2:00 am, 2:30 am, 3:00 am, 3:30 am, 4:00 am, 4:30 am, 1000 am, 11:30 am, 12:30 pm, 1:00 pm, 1:30 pm, 2:00 pm, 2:30 pm, 3:00 pm, 3:30 pm, 4:00 pm, 4:30 pm, 5:00 pm, 5:30 pm, 5:30 pm, 6:30 pm, 8:00 pm, 8:30 pm, 9:00 pm, 9:30 pm, 10:00 pm,

Sunday April 7, 2024: 1:30 am, 2:00 am, 2:30 am, 3:00 am, 4:00 am, 8:00 am, 9:00 am, 11:30 am, 12;00 pm, 12:30 pm, 1:00 pm, 1:30 pm, 2:00 pm, 2:30 pm, 3:30 pm, 4:00 pm, 4:30 pm, 5:00 pm, 5:30 pm, 6:00 pm.

All mens walk number 50 pilgrims and team members will be publish as soon we get them finalize, please be patience!!


Hear Ye! Hear Ye!

Exciting News!!

We have been able to extend the application deadline for Men’s Walk #50! If you have a pilgrim or two let us know! The deadline has been extended until March 31. Please email Stephanie Meade (smeade1645@gmail.com ) with your pilgrim application.

Please come and join us for the men’s Candle Light Service April 6th fellowship begins at 8pm – 8:30pm and our service starts at 8:30pm at the Family Life Center at Higher Ground Retreat Center 3820 Logan Creek Ln.

West Harrison, IN 47060


I just wanted to let the community know that George Berry, has passed away with his family by his side. He is now walking the streets of gold with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Please continue to pray for Lori and the Berry family.

Join us in celebrating the life and stories of George Berry over coffee and Ice cream,

Saturday April 27, @ 2pm at

Immanuel Lakeside Church

2551 Dixie Highway Lakeside Park, Ky 41017

Wesley Hall

March 2024 Gathering

 March 2024 Gathering

The March Gathering will be on 3/14/24 at Immanuel Boone campus, with fellowship at 6:30 p.m./the gathering at 7:00 p.m. We will be praying for the Men’s team for walk #50. Our 4th day speaker is Kelly Rodamer from women’s walk number 46 table of Miriam.  Plus Brian Myers and band will be the music that night, with also facebook live will be available if you can not attend.

March 2024 Newsletter/Gathering information

 Northern Kentucky

Emmaus  Community 

March 2024 Newsletter

Greetings in view of resurrection Sunday!

I am excited for the biblical fact of an empty tomb! Have you ever read about the two, thieves

that were crucified alongside Jesus? Luke 23:39-43 “One of the criminals who had been hanged

[on a cross beside Him] kept hurling abuse at Him, saying, “Are You not the Christ? Save

Yourself and us [from death]!” But the other one rebuked him, saying, “Do you not even fear

God, since you are under the same sentence of condemnation? We are suffering justly, because

we are getting what we deserve for what we have done; but this Man has done nothing

wrong.” And he was saying, “Jesus, [please] remember me when You come into Your

kingdom!” Jesus said to him, “I assure you and most solemnly say to you, today you will be with

Me in Paradise.”

There is one thief who curses Jesus and there is the other who puts his trust in Jesus. If Jesus

would have chosen not to respond to either thief we would have not much of a story. I would

also like to point out we would also have not much hope of joining Christ in the resurrection

either. Romans 3:23 informs us we have all sinned and fallen short of God’s glory. This means

we are all guilty. This guilt does not mean we stay in the sin condition. Romans 6:1-2

states: “What shall we say [to all this]? Should we continue in sin and practice sin as a habit, so

that [God’s gift of] grace may increase and overflow? 2 Certainly not! How can we, the very

ones who died to sin, continue to live in it any longer?”

Jesus has given us his word that we will be with him in paradise. The question is which thief are

you? I desire to be the thief that understands he desperately needs the one hanging next to him

on the cross. I am guilty but I place my sole trust and faith in Christ alone. I listen to several

podcast and one quote from Phil Robertson comes to mind. He said, “I have yet to see a better

plan for getting out of the ground. Until then I am going to stick with Jesus.” I am guilty but

Jesus empowers us all to walk out of our sin tombs! THE TOMB IS EMPTY and WE ARE


Your brother in Christ,

Greg Beagle

Northern Kentucky Emmaus

Community Lay Director

De Colores!

 March 2024 Gathering


The March Gathering will be on 3/14/24 at Immanuel Boone campus, with fellowship at 6:30 p.m./the gathering at 7:00 p.m. We will be praying for the Men’s team for walk #50. Our 4th day speaker is Kelly Rodamer from womens walk number 46 table of Miriam

Men’s walk number 50 information:

MEN’S Walk #50:

Please keep our Men’s walk lay director John Parker and the team for MW#50 (April 4-7), in your daily prays as the men’s team has finished their training, pray for God’s shield of armor to be upon each of these men, Satin will take this time before the walk to attack them.

Pray, Pray, Pray for our upcoming Men’s Walk!

Pray for Pilgrims! Do you know someone you would like to share this amazing experience with? Pray fully before asking them to attend the walk. Pilgrim information is found on our website www.nkemmaus.com Sponsorship Pilgrim Application. Application deadline is March 21.

Pray Chart:

Now is the best time to sign up for the Men’s Walk pray chart, (there are a lot of open time slots that need to be filled) let’s fill all the pray times before April.

Candlelight! Candlelight! Candlelight!

Saturday APRIL 6 @ Higher Ground Retreat Center, fellowship starts at 8pm with the service starting at 8:30pm at the Graves Family Life center. at Higher Ground Conference and retreat center

3820 Logan Creek Ln.

West Harrison, IN 47060

Just follow the Emmaus signs when you get there. The pilgrims are counting on you! Let show them what heaven will look like!

Please pray

Please keep the Combs family in your prays with the passing of Lynn Combs, Lynn participated on walks 5,6,7, & 30.

Remember to stand firm in your convictions Exodus 14:13-14 Moses answered the people, “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still”.

Northern Kentucky Emmaus Community Board members reports:

Last Agape Day (crafting/sorting/gluing/stapling etc) before the men’s walk is March 10th 2:00 p.m. thru 5:00 p.m. at Jennifer Meyers home, 1246 Brightleaf Blvd, Erlanger Ky. 41018  Any questions, please feel free to text/call at
Jennifer Meyers 
Agape Chairperson

From Northern Kentucky Community Spiritual Director:

Geoff Egbers ;

As we head towards Easter what better gift to share with someone than to sponsor a family member, a friend, or a co worker to attend the Men’s 50th Emmaus Walk . Please continue to be in Prayer. Prayer is the only way this Men’s walk will be a success in the Name of Jesus Christ . Pray for the Holy Spirit to give you incite as to who to invite . Pray for the pilgrims and sponsors to answer God’s calling . We all want this walk to be a huge success. 

       The Men’s walk team has successfully completed training . I hear their Dying Moment was tearful and very emotional. This occurs only when the Holy Spirit is present and these men were touched by the Holy Spirit!!!  Please pray for protection of the team , pilgrims , sponsors, families, and the community from being attacked by Satan. Satan does not want this walk to be a success. So be in prayer that Satan be removed and that all are filled with the Living Water of Jesus and for protection by Jesus Heavenly army . 

See you all at Candlelight Service on Saturday 4/6/24 at Higher Ground where we will shout to the Lord in praise and thanksgiving for what God has done for these men and their families during this Men’s Walk . In Jesus Christ! Happy Easter!

Sherry Taylor, Treasurer

I have been part of the Emmaus Community since 2005.  I have had the honor to serve on walks and to serve on the Board for the last few years as the NKEC treasurer.  The time has come for me to allow someone else the privilege of being part of the Board and the opportunity to serve the Community in this capacity.  I am resigning my position as Treasurer of the Community effective June 30, 2024.  I have been blest through the years serving the Community and I will continue to support the Community and its mission.


Sherry Taylor, Treasurer

Northern Kentucky Emmaus Community

Communication Report
Hello Northern Kentucky Community members, if you have a new phone number, new home address, new email since your original walk, or switch churches , or your church switch names.  Please email at meburns08@aol.com put in subject nky emmaus update information, or text at
859-743-4526 with all your new information.

Mark Burns
Northern Kentucky Emmaus Communication Chair